Professional Photography Regulations

The Grizzly & Wolf Discovery Center (GWDC) welcome visitors to respectfully and responsibly take pictures of the animals. We appreciate that photographers value the GWDC as a place where they can get close images of the animals. We require that photographers do not interfere with the wellbeing of the animals, the safety of staff and other visitors, or the ability of other visitors to learn about, observe, or appreciate the animals at the GWDC. 

The GWDC grants general, implied permission of personal use of photographs taken at the GWDC if those images are not associated with the sale or promotion of photography, and are not used to promote or disseminate images, messages, or impressions that run counter the GWDC’s mission or practices of animal care and welfare.


  • Must not deliberately draw attention to themselves from animals, influence or interfere with the behavior of an animal, or interfere with a habitat. 
  • Must not pass beyond public viewing areas.
  • Must follow the instructions of staff while in any space around the GWDC if asked to stop an activity or move away from an area.
  • Be alert to their surroundings, and allow others to move around them safely in buildings, at viewing areas, and on paths.
  • Must not block paths, building entrances, stairways, or ramps.
  • All supplemental equipment that is not carried on their person may be stowed nearby only if it is not presenting a hazard to the safe passage or use of public space for staff and other visitors, is not at risk of interfering with an animal’s behavior or its habitat, and doesn’t pose a hazard to facilities or people at the GWDC in any other way. Equipment should be stowed to allow other visitors access to viewing areas and amenities such as benches. The GWDC is not responsible for the loss, damage, or theft of items left unattended.